ConsultNumerations API

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The ConsultarNumeration API is a development developed by The Factory HKA team which aims to know the resolutions that each taxpayer has validated on the DIAN portal and in turn be able to validate the sequential ones that the taxpayer has. configured in the electronic invoice portal in a demo environment and in a production environment.

@IMPORTANT: For the consumption of this service, two specific urls have been established in the DEMO environment and the PRODUCTION environment, which can be found below:

For more information you can visit the following section:


The structure that must be considered in the construction of the Request and Response of the service ConsultarNumeracion is documented below and in this way guarantee the implementation of this new method:

Parameters to Send
Type Identifier Description
String Nit Taxpayer document number to consult
String CompanyToken Supplied by The Factory HKA Colombia according to the environment to be consulted
String Platform Name of the platform to consult TFHKA or DIAN numbering

Parameters to Receive when consulting the ConsultNumerations Method
Type Identifier Description
int Code Indicates the status of the operation returned by the service
String Result Method consumption result:
“Successful” or “Error”
String Message This message is associated with the code, useful for error identification
String Nit Document number of the taxpayer consulted
String Platform Name of the platform to consult TFHKA or DIAN numbering
Array <Numbers> Numbers History of the numbers configured in TFHKA or associated in the DIAN

Where Class.Numeraciones contains the following information:

Parameters to Receive Array Numberings
Type Identifier Description
String IdNumberation Identifier of the configured sequential. TFHKA internal use.
String ResolutionNumber Resolution number assigned by the DIAN for this numbering
String DateResolution Date on which the resolution was requested before the DIAN, in format: YYYY-MM-DD
String Prefix Combination of alphanumeric figures that you establish when requesting numbering or resolution
String NumberFrom Value from which the requested numbering begins.
String NumberUp Value up to where the requested numbering ends.
String InitialNumber Value from which the requested numbering begins. TFHKA internal use.
String DateFrom Date on which the resolution requested before the DIAN begins, in format: YYYY-MM-DD
String DateUntil Date on which the resolution requested before the DIAN ends, in format: YYYY-MM-DD
String TechnicalKey Alphanumeric string established by the DIAN for the requested numbering or resolution. TFHKA internal use.
String DocumentType Code for Invoice, CreditNote, DebitNote. It corresponds to one of the values of Table 1. TFHKA internal use.
String EstablishmentId Establishment identifier configured by the taxpayer on the web portal. TFHKA internal use.
String EstablishmentCode Establishment code configured by the taxpayer on the web portal. TFHKA internal use.
String EstablishmentDescription Description of the establishment configured by the taxpayer on the web portal. TFHKA internal use.. Example: Main, Office
String EstablishmentAddress Address of the establishment configured by the taxpayer on the web portal. TFHKA internal use.
String ServiceType Code that defines whether the sequential was configured for Portal or Integration Service. TFHKA internal use.
String Code that defines whether the sequential was configured for 1: Automatic or 2: Manual with Prefix , 3: Manual without prefix, Internal use TFHKA.
String SequentialEnvironmentType Code that defines whether the environment in which the sequential was configured in the TFHKA portal 2: Production 2.1 or 3: Enablement 2.1. TFHKA internal use.
String TestSetId Alphanumeric string established by the DIAN in the authorization resolution to perform the requested tests.TFHKA internal use.
String ShippingDian Code that defines whether the sequential is generating direct shipments to the DIAN. TFHKA internal use.
String Active Code that indicates the current status of the sequential on the web platform 0: Inactive or 1: Active. TFHKA internal use.

Example Response TFHKA Numbering

Example Response DIAN Numbering
Numeracion DIAN