General - Direct Integration Manual Index
How to get support
- 1st level support:
- Telephone/email/chat or teleconference support 5x8 hours to address queries and user errors.
- 2nd level support:
- Support remote resolution of incidents in the system on a 5x8 schedule
- Write to
- Support remote resolution of incidents in the system on a 5x8 schedule
For questions regarding configurations and errors in the Portal:
For questions regarding ERP, software house and integration configurations:
Telephone attention lines:
- MASTER +57 (1) 746.08.12
- +57 (1) 508.8990
- +57 (1) 517.6795
- +57 (1) 517.6796
- +57 (1) 311.3063
- Technical Support → Option 2
- Integration → Option 5 Then Option 1
For Sessions:
Support Sessions
Registration as an electronic biller, Configuration of Numbering Ranges, Configuration of Fiscal Data, Qualification Tests, Environment Configuration Production, management and use of the TFHKA Electronic Invoicing Portal
Directed to: Commercial Agencies - Allied Software Houses - End Clients
Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday starting at 8:30 AM
Integration Area Sessions
Solution Integration Cases
Aimed at: Clients who carry out Software development to integrate with TFHKA, Allied Software Houses
Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday starting at 8:30 AM
This document describes the integration process between the electronic billing model with prior validation according to the regulatory and technical updates from the DIAN and/or own controls in our integration model.
For the development of this document, the Technical Annexes V1.7-2020 (current) and V1.8 (the latter released in October 2019 by the DIAN) were taken as reference.
Note: Not all functionalities, catalogs and billing scenarios referring to Technical Annex V1.8 are enabled by the DIAN.