Property code tables for document issuance - Direct Integration Manual Index

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Tables of property codes for issuance of documents

In the following section you will find information regarding the different tables of property codes defined by the DIAN in the technical annex.

Table 1

Types of Documents
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.1.3. Type of Document: cbc:InvoiceTypeCode y cbc:CreditnoteTypeCode
Code Meaning Use
01 Electronic Sales Invoice Types of Invoice
02 Electronic Sales Invoice - export
03 Transmission electronic document - type 03
04 Electronic Sales Invoice - type 04
91 Credit note Exclusive in document references (DocumentReference elements)
92 Debit note

Table 2

Operation types
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.1.5. Operation types

For billss:

Code Value
10 Start*
09 AIU
11 Mandates
12 Transportation
13 Exchange

Note: (*) Value by default Health Operation


For Credit Notes:

Code Value
20 Note Credit that references an electronic invoice*
22 Credit note without reference to invoices*

Note: (*) The default value is 20, the above means that if a value is not reported, it is assumed to be 20 and the corresponding set of validations will be applied. (*) Preferable for use of rebate notes or conditional discounts. Notes type 22 do not have rejection validation. Post Control Object. For Debit Notes: For Debit Notes:

Code Value
30 Note Debit that references an electronic invoice*
32 Debit note without reference to invoices*

Note: The default value is 30, the above means that if a value is not reported, add 30 and apply the corresponding set of validations. Notes type 32 and 33 do not have rejection validation. Post Control Object.

@IMPORTANT: Notes type 22 and 32 do not have rejection validation. (Post control object).

Table 3

Identification Types
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.2.1. Identification document (Type of Fiscal Identifier):

cbc:CompanyID.@schemeName; sts:ProviderID.@schemeName

Code Meaning
11 Civil registration
12 ID card
13 Certificate of Citizenship
21 Alien Card
22 Immigration certificate
31 NIT
41 Passport
42 Foreign ID
47 PEP
50 NIT from another country
91 NUIP*

@IMPORTANT: (*) It should only be used for the acquirer, since this type of document does not belong to the document types in the RUT database.

Table 4

Descount Code
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.3.8. Descount Codes
Code Meaning
00 Unconditional discount
01 Conditional Discount

Table 5

TType of person
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.2.3. Type of legal organization (People): cbc:AdditionalAccountID
Code Meaning
1 Legal person and assimilated
2 Natural person and assimilated

Table 6

Units of Measure
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.3.6. Units of amount: @unitCode
Code Description Code Description Code Description
04 small spray BIL trillion dollars HUR hour
05 lift BJ bucket HY hundred yardas
08 Lot Heat BK Basket IA Inch Pound
10 group BL bullet IC count per inch
11 equip BLD dry barrel IE person
13 ration BLL barrel (EE.UU.)(petroleo, etc.) IF inches of water
14 shot BO bottle II column inch
15 stick BP hundred board feet IL inch per minute
16 hundred and fifteen kg drum BQL becquerel IM printing
17 hundred pound drum BR bar INH inch
@IMPORTANT: This catalog is more extensive, for more information refer to the section of the corresponding Annex.

Table 7

Reference pricing codes
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.3.9. Type of legal organization (Persons): cbc:AdditionalAccountID
Code Meaning
01 Commercial value

Note: For commercial samples or gifts, '01' must be sent in the field codigoTipoPrecio

Table 8

Codes for products and services
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.2.3. Type of legal organization (People): cbc:AdditionalAccountID
@schemeID @schemeName schemeAgencyID To use
001 UNSPSC 10 Colombia Efficient Purchase: use content of the "Code" column
  • Ver 8.1
010 GTIN 9 Global Product Identification Numbers - GTIN
  • Ver 8.2
  • When there are fewer than 14 numbers in a data structure (for example, GTIN8), the numbers must be right-justified in a 14-digit field padded with zeros in the leftmost positions.
020 rate item 195 rate item
999 Taxpayer Adoption Standard
  • The value in the @schemeName attribute will not be validated
  • The @schemeAgencyID attribute must not be used

Note: For commercial samples or gifts, '01' must be sent in the codigoTipoPrecio field.

@IMPORTANT: For more information on the code for products and services, refer to the section of the corresponding Annex.

Table 9

Credit Note Reasons
Anex 1.8-2021 - 13.3.4. Correction concept for credit notes: cac:DiscrepancyResponse/cbc:ResponseCode
Code Description
1 Partial return of goods and/or partial non-acceptance of service
2 Electronic invoice cancellation
3 Rebate or partial or total discount
4 Price Adjust
5 others

Table 10

Debit Note Reasons
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.2.6. Concept of Correction for Debit Notes: cac:DiscrepancyResponse/cbc:ResponseCode
Code Description
1 Interests
2 Expenses receivable
3 Value change
4 others

Table 11

Tax Types
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.2.2. Tributos: cac:TaxScheme/ID, cac:TaxScheme/Name
Identifier Name Description
01 IVA Value Added Tax
02 IC Consumption Tax
03 ICA Industry, Commerce and Notice Tax
04 INC National Consumption Tax
05 ReteIVA Withholding on IVA
06 ReteRenta Withholding on Income
07 ReteICA Withholding on the ICA
08 IC Porcentual Tax on Consumption of Plastic Bag
20 FtoHorticultura Fruit and Vegetable Promotion Fee
21 Timbre Stamp Tax
22 INC Bolsas National Tax on Plastic Bag Consumption
23 INCarbono National Carbon Tax
24 INCombustibles National Tax on Fuels
25 Sobretasa Combustibles Surcharge on fuels
26 Sordicom Retail Contribution (Fuels)
30 IC Datos Data Consumption Tax
ZY No causa Not responsible for tax
ZZ Name of the tax figure Other taxes, rates, contributions, and similar

Table 12

Tax Fees
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.3.8. Rate Tables for Tax
Reporting tax Possible values for the cbc:Percent field

The rate to report will depend on the tax aspect of the reported tax.

Concept rate (cbc:Percent)  
Exempt 0.00
Goods/Services at 5 5.00
Contracts signed with the state before law 1819 16.00  
General rate 19.00  
Item            (cbc:Percent)  
Special rate 2.00  
Special rate 4.00
General rate 8.00
Special rate 16.00


@IMPORTANT: This catalog fees for Tax is more extensive, for more information refer to the section of the corresponding Annex.

Table 13

Payment methods
Anex 1.7-2020 - Payment methods: cbc:PaymentMeansCode
Code Medio Code Medio
1 Instrument not defined 39 Corporate Exchange Business Loan (CTX)
2 Crédito ACH 40 Business Debit Corporate Exchange (CTX)
3 Débito ACH 41 Concentration Cash/Credit Disbursement Plus (CCD+)
4 ACH demand debit reversal 42 Bank collection
5 Reversal of ACH demand credit 43 Cash concentration / Debit plus Disbursement (CCD+)
6 ACH Demand Credit 44 Exchange Note
7 ACH demand debit 45 Transfer Bank Credit
8 Maintain 46 Interbank Debit Transfer
9 National or Regional Clearing 47 Bank Debit Transfer
10 Cash 48 Credit card
11 Credit Savings Reversal 49 Debit Card
12 Reversion Debit Savings 50 Postdraft
13 Savings Credit 51 French banking standard Telex
14 Debit Saving 52 Urgent business payment
15 Bookentry Credit 53 Urgent Treasury Payment
16 Bookentry Debit 60 Note promisoria
17 Concentration of demand in cash/Credit Disbursement (CCD) 61 Promissory note signed by the creditor
18 Concentration of demand in cash / Disbursement (CCD) debit 62 Promissory note signed by the creditor, endorsed by the bank
19 Corporate Business Payment Credit (CTP) 63 Promissory note signed by the creditor, endorsed by a third party
20 Check 64 Note promisoria firmada pro el banco
21 Poyecto bancario 65 Promissory note signed by a bank guaranteed by another bank
22 Certified bank project 66 Signed promissory note
23 Bank check 67 Promissory note signed by a third party guaranteed by a bank
24 Foreign exchange note awaiting acceptance 70 Withdrawal of note by creditor
25 Certified check 71 Bonds
26 Local Check 72 Vouchers
27 Debit Payment Corporate Business (CTP) 74 Withdrawal of note by the creditor on a bank
28 Credit Business Corporate Exchange (CTX) 75 Withdrawal of note by the creditor, guaranteed by another bank
29 Debit Business Corporate Exchange (CTX) 76 Withdrawal of note by the creditor, on a bank guaranteed by a third party
30 Credit Transfer 77 Withdrawal of a note by the creditor on a third party
31 Transfer Debit 78 Withdrawal of a note by the creditor on a third party guaranteed by a bank
32 Concentration Cash / Disbursement Credit plus (CCD+) 91 Transferable bank note
33 Concentration Cash / Disbursement Debit plus (CCD+) 92 Local transferable check
34 Pre-arranged payment and deposit (PPD) 93 Referenced draft
35 Cash concentration savings / Credit Disbursement (CCD) 94 Urgent transfer
36 Cash concentration savings / Credit Disbursement (CCD) 95 Open format draft
37 Payment Corporate Business Savings Credit (CTP) 96 Requested payment method not used
38 Payment Corporate Business Debit Savings (CTP) 97 Clearing between partners
ZZZ Mutual Agreement

Table 14

Form to Payment Method
Anex 1.7-2020 - Payment methods: cbc:PaymentMeans/ID
Code Meaning
1 Cash
2 Credit

Table 15

Terms of delivery (INCOTERMS)
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.3.6. Terms of delivery (INCOTERMS): …/cbc:LossRiskResponsibilityCode
Code Meaning
CFR Cost & Freight
CIF Cost, freight and insurance
CIP Transport and Insurance Paid to
CPT Carriage Paid To
DAP Delivered to Place
DAT Delivered at Terminal
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
EXW In Factory
FAS Free alongside ship
FCA Freight Carrier
FOB Free on board

Table 16

Departments (ISO 3166-2:CO)
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.4.2. Departments (ISO 3166-2:CO): cbc:CountrySubentity, cbc:CountrySubentityCode
Code Name ISO code Code Name ISO code
91 Amazonas AMA 41 Huila HUI
05 Antioquia ANT 44 La Guajira LAG
81 Arauca ARA 47 Magdalena MAG
08 Atlántico ATL 50 Meta MET
11 Bogotá DC 52 Nariño NAR
13 Bolívar BOL 54 Norte de Santander NSA
15 Boyacá BOY 86 Putumayo PUT
17 Caldas CAL 63 Quindío QUI
18 Caquetá CAQ 66 Risaralda RIS
85 Casanare CAS 88 San Andrés y Providencia SAP
19 Cauca CAU 68 Santander SAN
20 Cesar CES 70 Sucre SUC
27 Chocó CHO 73 Tolima TOL
23 Córdoba COR 76 Valle del Cauca VAC
25 Cundinamarca CUN 97 Vaupés VAU
94 Guainía GUA 99 Vichada VID
95 Guaviare GUV

Table 17

Tax responsibilities
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.2.7. Tax responsibilities: cbc:TaxLevelCode
Code Meaning
0-13 Major contributor
0-15 Self-Locking
0-23 Sales tax withholding agent
0-47 Simple Taxation System – SIMPLE
R-99-PN Does not apply - Others

Table 18

tax details
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.2.2. Taxes: cac:TaxScheme/ID, cac:TaxScheme/Name
Codigo Meaning
01 IVA
04 INC
ZZ Does not apply

Table 19

Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.4.3. Municipality: cbc:CityName
Department Code Municipal Code Department Name Municipal Name
05 05044 Antioquia ANZÁ
05 05045 Antioquia APARTADÓ
05 05051 Antioquia ARBOLETES
05 05055 Antioquia ARGELIA
05 05059 Antioquia ARMENIA
05 05079 Antioquia BARBOSA
05 05086 Antioquia BELMIRA
05 05088 Antioquia BELLO
05 05091 Antioquia BETANIA
05 05093 Antioquia BETULIA
05 05101 Antioquia CIUDAD BOLÍVAR
05 05107 Antioquia BRICEÑO
05 05113 Antioquia BURITICÁ
05 05120 Antioquia CÁCERES
05 05125 Antioquia CAICEDO
05 05129 Antioquia CALDAS
05 05134 Antioquia CAMPAMENTO
05 05138 Antioquia CAÑASGORDAS
05 05142 Antioquia CARACOLÍ
05 05145 Antioquia CARAMANTA
05 05147 Antioquia CAREPA
05 05148 Antioquia EL CARMEN DE VIBORAL
05 05150 Antioquia CAROLINA
05 05154 Antioquia CAUCASIA
05 05172 Antioquia CHIGORODÓ

@IMPORTANT: This catalog municipalities is more extensive, for more information refer to the section of the corresponding Annex.

Table 20

Postal zone
Anex 1.7-2020 - 6.4.4. Reference to other documents cbc:PostalZone

In Colombia, the postal code consists of 6 digits (example: 578986) that initially indicate the geographical position, followed by the routing and finally the one that locates us within the postal area, as follows:

National Departments
The first two digits represent the national departments, using the current Dane coding. Codes less than 10 must start with a leading zero.

Departmental routing postal zones
The third and fourth position define the routing postal zones to facilitate the classification through the Postal Code: 00 is reserved for the capital of the department. From 01 to 89, each department can be divided into up to 89 postal routing zones.

Postal district by municipality or locality
The last two positions of the National Postal Code allow one hundred postal districts to be assigned to each of the ten postal zones created in each department. That is, up to a thousand different districts can be assigned in each department, for a total of thirty-three thousand at the national level.

@IMPORTANT: For more information, refer to the corresponding Annex section.

Table 21

Reference to non-tax documents
Anex 1.8 - 13.1.4. Reference to non-tax documents: cbc:DocumentTypeCode

This element refers to thexpath /Invoice/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference/cbc: DocumentTypeCode. These documents represent commercial and mercantile actions that protect or support transactions related to this electronic document.

The XML electronic documents adopted by the DIAN should not be included in this fragment since these documents do not contain the standard identifications such as CUFE or CUDE.

As it is a delivery order, the OrderReference, element group must be used. When reporting more than one, the AdditionalDocumentReference group must be available.

This field of this group of information is optional to reference commercial issues at the will of the electronic biller, therefore, the codes are assigned by it.


Table 22

Identification Document Type- Health Sector
Abv Type of Identification Document
CC Citizenship card
CE Immigration Certificate
CD Diplomatic ID
PA Passport
SC Safe conduct
PE special stay permit
RC Civil registration of birth
TI Identity Card
CN Live birth certificate
AS Adult Unidentified
MS Unidentified Minor
DE Foreign Document
SI Without Identification

Table 23

User Type - Health Sector
Code User type
01 Contributing taxpayer
02 Contributory beneficiary
03 Additional contributory
04 Subsidised
05 Not regim
06 Special or Contributing Exception
07 Special or Exception beneficiary
08 Individual
09 Policyholder/Protected ARL
10 Policyholder/Protected SOAT
11 Policy holder/Protected voluntary health plans

Table 24

Hiring Modalities - Health Sector
Code Hiring Modalities
01 Package / Basket / Comprehensive Health Set
02 Diagnosis-related Groups
03 Comprehensive by risk group
04 Payment by contact by specialty
05 Payment per scenario of care
06 Payment per service type
07 Prospective global payment per episode
08 Global prospective payment by risk group
09 Prospective lump sum payment by specialty
10 Prospective global payment by level of complexity
11 Capacitation
12 For service

Table 25

CService coverage or plan - Health Sector
Code Service coverage or plan
01 Health benefit plan financed by UPC
02 Maximum budget
03 EPS/EOC premium, uninsured SOAT
04 Coverage SOAT Policy
05 ARL cover
06 ADRES coverage
07 Public Health Cover
08 Coverage of the territorial entity, supply resources
09 Emergencies migrant population
10 Supplemental health plan
11 Prepaid Medical Plan
12 Other health policies
13 Special Regime Coverage or Exception
14 National Health Fund Coverage for Persons Deprived of Liberty
15 Private

Table 26

Collection Concepts
Code Description
16 Copayment
17 Moderator Fee
18 Recovery Fee
19 Shared plans in voluntary health plans

Table 27

Scenario Types
Code Description
1 Record of the Concept of collection to the patient
2 Registration of the concept of accreditation to the EPS
3 Record of operations without accreditation to the EPS
4 Issuance of FEL without prior collection
5 Including in a FEL the value to be credited for the collection

Table 28

Additional Data Fields
Name Label Description
1 CODIGO_PRESTADOR Code assigned in the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS) to health service providers that are in the Special Registry of Health Service Providers (REPS) or the Code assigned by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for public health laboratories.
2 TIPO_DOCUMENTO_IDENTIFICACION User identification type
Table 22
3 NUMERO_DOCUMENTO_IDENTIFICACION Registration of the identification document number according to the type of user document
4 PRIMER_APELLIDO First surname of the user as specified in the identification document.
5 SEGUNDO_APELLIDO Second surname of the user as specified in the identification document.
6 PRIMER_NOMBRE User's first name as specified in the identification document
7 SEGUNDO_NOMBRE Second name of the user according to what is specified in the identification document
8 TIPO_USUARIO Registration of the person's affiliation condition or relationship with the coverage or benefit plan.
Table 23
9 MODALIDAD_CONTRATACION Registration of the contracting and payment modality agreed to be billed. Mandatory.
Table 24
10 COBERTURA_PLAN_BENEFICIOS Registration of the entity responsible for financing the coverage or benefit plan. Mandatory.
Table 25
11 NUMERO_AUTORIZACION Compulsory: When there is the response authorization number or the request number, as the case may be. For emergencies, SOAT and ARL are empty
14 NUMERO_CONTRATO Number of the billing contract
15 NUMERO_POLIZA Number of SOAT policy or voluntary health plans. Mandatory: When it comes to SOAT services or voluntary health plans. Diligence when it comes to care for a traffic accident or for care as a private individual for a health policy
16 COPAGO Value actually paid by the user and collected by the service provider
17 CUOTA_MODERADORA Value actually paid by the user and collected by the service provider
18 CUOTA_RECUPERACION Value actually paid by the user and collected by the service provider
19 PAGOS_COMPARTIDOS Value actually paid by the user and collected by the service provider