ScheduleReport API

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The ScheduleReport API is a development developed by The Factory HKA team which provides the possibility for the taxpayer to schedule a Scheduled Report which the system will be responsible for scheduling it to be downloaded in a period of time no longer than to 24 hours. Then you can download the report of the issued documents in a csv/flat file format to convert it into Excel format. The scheduled report will allow you to bring all the records made in the selected period. The maximum period per report is 35 days, to obtain reports from different months you can make the request per month, that is, one report at a time. This functionality can be used in the demo environment and in the production environment or when consuming the service through the AgendarReporte API.

@IMPORTANT: For the consumption of this service, two specific urls have been established in the DEMO environment and the PRODUCTION environment, which can be found below:

For more information you can consult the URLs in the following section:


The structure that must be considered in the construction of the Request and Response of the AgendarReporte service is documented below and in this way guarantee the implementation of this new method:

Parameters to Send
Type Identifier Description
String Nit Document number of the issuing taxpayer.
String CompanyToken Supplied by The Factory HKA Colombia according to the environment to be consulted
String SecretKey Defined by the issuing taxpayer from the root user through the HKA Electronic Invoice portal in a demo environment and in a production environment COMING SOON
Array <Report> Report Parameters that make up the class InvoiceDetail of the Invoice Object'