Step by step graphic representation request

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The products covered by support and development of graphical representations are described below:

Custom graphic representation:
The client or software house contracts a personalized PDF development for Electronic Sales Invoice, Export Invoices, Credit Notes, Debit Notes, Support Document, Electronic Payroll, which complies with the requirements of the DIAN in regulations and additional add information that is used according to the business model.


Standard graphical representation:
The Factory HKA Colombia SAS has a standard PDF development which meets the regulatory requirements of the DIAN and is used by the majority of clients who contract the electronic billing service.


Step by step request for personalized graphic representation:

1. The client sends an email to the sales area requesting the graphic representation service, attaching a model template (new or standard settings).

2. The sales area Sends the client's request with an attached model template to the graphical representations area.

3. The graphic representation support area:

3.1) Evaluate the feasibility of the requirement.
3.2) Valid by which means the client issues the documents (Portal, Integration).
3.3) Schedule meeting with client and software house (the latter if the client issues by integration).
3.4) In a meeting with the client, you must indicate the terms and conditions found in the RGR contract.
3.6) Establishes the scope of the requirement.
3.7) Once the requirement is established, the price and estimated development time are sent to the sales area.

4. The sales area Sends a quote to the client for their administrative process.

5. THE client/software house carries out the payment process and administrative documentation and sends it to the billing area.

6. The billing area:

6.1) Perform the payment confirmation process for the graphic representation service.
6.2) Load customer data into the document (drive link).
6.3) Notify the payment confirmation via email.

7. The graphic representation support area:

7.1)Create ticket by adding model template, specifically detailing all the variables that the representation will use.
7.2) Scale to the development area.

8. The area of development of graphic representations:

8.1) Develop the graphic representation according to the established requirement and time.
8.2) Assigns to certification testing support.

9. The graphic representation support area:

9.1) Performs tests of the graphical representation based on the requirement.
9.2) Assigns the client / House software environment in demo.

10. Software House:

10.1) Adjust ERP or Administrative System.
10.2) Perform tests and request a move to production.

11. The graphic representation support area:

11.1) Assigns in production environment.
11.2) Send certificate of conformity.
11.3) Closing of the ticket once the guarantee time has expired



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1. All Custom Graphic Representation development has a final delivery time of up to 8 weeks, of course this time is subject to the timely and diligent work and response of each of the actors (Client, Software House /integrator and The Factory HKA), the final result is shared and depends on the commitment and fulfillment of the responsibilities of each of the parties involved.
2. The delivery time of the first version of the Customized Graphic Representation is two to three weeks depending on its complexity. Next, the process begins with the software houses where questions regarding the integration will be clarified. The feedback time on the design and testing of the first version is a maximum of 1 week for the software house/integrator and client.
3. For the development of the Customized Graphic Representation, an initial meeting with the client, the software house or administrative system and The Factory HKA is necessary to define the scope of the requirement, that is mandatory for all involved. For this, the request form will be filled out.
4. The minutes with the requested requirement will be sent by email, which must be confirmed by this same means to begin the development of the Personalized Graphic Representation. Once the requirement is confirmed and development has started, any change or modification will have an additional cost.
5. Every modification request has a minimum period of one week for due modification and delivery.
6. All points related to the development and integration of the Customized Graphic Representation will be handled in the same email thread with all the people involved.
7. Validation tests of the Customized Graphic Representation in a demo environment must be carried out by the software house to verify both the design and the integration.
8. The client must perform certification tests and notify compliance via email.
9. To request the production of the Customized Graphic Representation, the following requirements must be met:

a) Issue a minimum of 10 national sales invoices.
b) Issue a minimum of 10 credit notes.
c) Issue a minimum of 10 debit notes.
d) Issue a minimum of 10 export invoices, if applicable.

10. Once confirmed by the Graphic Representations support area of The Factory HKA Colombia SAS, compliance with point 9 will be assigned in the production environment.
11. A certificate of conformity of services will be sent that must be signed by the client and returned, once received it is signed by The Factory HKA Colombia SAS to finalize the development.
12. Once the Customized Graphic Representation has been assigned in production, there will be a 15 business day guarantee; therefore, after the guarantee period, any change or modification not contemplated in the initial requirement will have an additional cost.


Graphic representations area.
Whatsapp. 3182702062


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